Every friend in my life is special to me and knowing that I can help you in my small way makes me happy. Through this website I hope I can get in touch and reacquaint with you means that not only do I get to see you again (perhaps after many years) I can help and perhaps guide you into getting the best out of your IT. A PC? Laptop? iPad? MacBook Pro? Slow PC or Laptop, Viruses or broken Screen? Upgrading from say Windows 7 to Windows 10? or Windows 11. Honest advice from a trusted friend. I can customise every one of my support plans to fit your needs and requirements exactly. Whether it’s a small amount of time auditing and advising you on what would be best for your current equipment, through to a comprehensive list of annual, quarterly, health-checks on the IT you use. I will sit down with you, listen to your requests and prepare a customised support plan based on your needs.